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HomeVision, Mission, Goals

What Drives Charlotte Mothers of Multiples?

CMOMs Vision

Charlotte Mothers of Multiples will be the leading support organization in our community for parents, and expectant parents, of multiples.

CMOMs Mission

Through its focus on providing support, building friendships, and serving the community, Charlotte Mothers of Multiples will provide a variety of valuable support services to families with multiple birth children in order to help them thrive, not just survive, in their efforts to care for their multiple birth children.

How We Accomplish Our Mission

Our Goals

  • Support expectant parents of multiple birth children by providing friendship, encouragement and open dialogue through one-on-one support, group support and postpartum follow-up
  • Support parents who are raising multiple birth children by providing educational opportunities, information and equipment exchanges, social support networks, and scholarships
  • Raise awareness in our community about the challenges of multiple births by partnering with the medical community and other community organizations to deliver educational and financial programs and services

Our Core Values

  • Support - being aware of the challenges of raising multiple birth children, and always willing to support fellow members
  • Service - providing valuable services and programs to meet the needs of our members and our community
  • Diversity - ensuring our membership reflects the diversity of our community
  • Stewardship - managing our resources with the utmost integrity